Well done. I’m so glad you’re ok. Blowing out your birthday cake afterwards… so devastating. I’m so sorry.

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Thank you for sharing this, Cherry. It wasn’t okay then, it’s not okay now, and it will never be okay. But I’m glad you’re okay. 🙏🏻

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It’s a really brilliant piece Cherry. Thank you for sharing it.

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Thank you Margaret - it took a few years ...

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Understandably Cherry. So many women bury experiences like these and try to forget them. It takes a lot of courage to share it.

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You’re right. It really was not okay, Cherry. Thank you for sharing this brilliant piece of writing.

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Thank you. I should add - it really was not ok - it still isn't but I am ok. Finally.

The extraordinary tale of how i am ok might one day make it into a bookshop near you ...

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I hope it does!

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